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5 Most Common Types of Spiders Living in Your House


No matter how good your housekeeping skills are, spiders can still invade your home and nest in your furniture, hideout in your attic, or anywhere else conditions are favorable to them. This is because spiders don’t necessarily thrive in messy environments like most pests do. They can simply live anywhere. In fact, there are over 3,400 different species of spiders in North America alone, many that love to cohabitate with humans. Fortunately, most that do are relatively harmless. It is always best however, to call Advanced Pest Control if you need pest control services in Augusta and if you are unsure if the spiders that decorate your home with their intricate web designs are harmful to your family.

Advanced Services Pest Control are experts in eliminating different kinds of infestations in homes and businesses. The company is definitely the professionals to call for pest control services in Augusta whenever you suspect any kind of pest infestation. It is also important to know what kinds of house spiders might be sharing your space. Below are five of the most common spider species that live in homes:

  • The American House Spider – The common house spider (parasteatoda tepidariorum) is comb-footed and notable for their round abdomen and brown, tan or grey coloring, with darker patterns. They don’t grow bigger than a nickel and are typically harmless, although the cobwebs they create can be quite a nuisance.
  • The Long-Bodied Cellar Spider – Also known by the name daddy longlegs (not to be confused with crane flies which are also called the same) the pholcus phalangioides are characterized by their slender, long legs and small, round body. They are not venomous and typically dwell in cellars, basements, garages, crawl spaces, or other dark spaces in the house.
  • The Brown Recluse – This brown spider (loxosceles reclusa) is found across the country. They have a small oval body that is about a third of an inch long, known for their violin-shaped marking and multiple sets of eyes (3 pairs). They are venomous and bites require medical treatment, as dangerous reactions may occur due to the cytotoxin in their venom.
  • The Sac Spider –Sac spiders are nocturnal spiders that don’t create webs. They are most active at night and their bites are harmless to most but may produce slight soreness and swelling at the site. Those with allergies may experience more severe reactions that could require treatment.
  • The Jumping Spider– Jumping spiders belong to the salticidae family. They typically hunt for pray during the day and can be spotted on screen doors, on the inside of windows, and along walls. Their bite is much like a bee sting, often harmless, although allergies and sensitivities may cause a reaction that differs from one person to the next.